Ten years ago today...
Sorry to be maudelin twice in quick succession, but today marks the 10th anniversary of the Port Arthur Massacre.
This event was truely shocking to Australians. It was unbelieveable, and tragic, and unecessary. The shock it presented our society was not dissimilar to 911 in the US.
It was perhaps because of that reaction that the Government was able to pass some of the world's toughest gun control laws in the world. The vast majority of Australian's agreed: we just don't need even semi-automatic weapons in the hands of the average citizen, and if you have some valis reason to have a gun (eg you are a farmer or a sporting gun enthusiast), you are required to store and use the weapon in a highly specified and controlled manner (eg. separate storage of the gun action from the gun itself, in appropriately secure and strong storage containers).
And what's more, Australians agreed to PAY (via a short term increase in one of the broad-based taxes) for the "Gun Buyback" scheme that was designed to reimburse people owning newly illegal firearms for handing them in.
Funny thing was, there was WAY more opposition to that scheme from overseas (principly from US based pro-gun organisations) than there ever was here. But then that was possibly, because we already had a degree of gun control already in place, that the step up to the current controls didn't seem too dramatic.
I was born an American, and at the age of six or seven was an NRA "sharpshooter" with a .22, and I still have the medals and certificates to show for it. When I arrived in Australia at the age of 10, I was suprised that not only was I not allowed to own a rifle, I wasn't allowed to even fire it - I had to wait until I was 16 to join a local gun club. I gave up owning a rifle in my mid-twenties when the laws surrounding gun ownership were tightened to the point where it became both expensive and a pain to own one.
It felt weird at the time I sold my last rifle, but 25 years on I find myself grateful for the regulation and the very strict attitude our society has towards guns. I'm grateful that my children will likely never handle any sort of weapon more lethal than those they employ in their computer games. I'm grateful that, even though I may be unfortunate enough to be caught up in some form of suburban violence, I'm more likely to be beaten to a pulp than shot dead out of hand by some drunken idiot who'll "regret" his actions the next day. Because it will be of no comfort to me or my family that the perp gets life in prison for his actions.
Any more than it is of any comfort to the family members of the victims of Martin Bryant 10 years ago.
In Memorium, that may we never be faced with such event ever again.